The Waupaca Area Chamber of Commerce works very closely with the School District of Waupaca to collaborate and connect businesses with students of all ages. We know that these students are our future workforce and we are committed to helping develop these relationships and provide opportunities for the students to learn what our businesses have to offer for their future careers.
Here are a few of the program that we organize, help with and or support:
- Connecting students with businesses – Support Waupaca Works
- Heavy Metal Tours: A tour of local manufactures
- Health Career Tours: Tours of careers in the medical fields
- The Pitch: A half day experience running a business
- Hiring Expo: Connecting Students with Employers for jobs
- New Staff Welcome: A half day event showing new School employees our community
Connecting Students with Businesses - Support Waupaca Works
Connecting Students with Businesses - Support Waupaca Works
Waupaca Works, the Waupaca School District wide Academic and Career Planning (ACP) program, blends the School District of Waupaca and community businesses to help students best understand their academic and career options. The Chamber works closely with Waupaca Works in helping make those business connections. We know the student are our future work force and we want them to know what our businesses have to offer.
Inspire Waupaca County
Inspire Waupaca County is a career preparation and readiness platform that matches student career planning with area business talent needs. By implementation of web-based career development tools, social media elements, and workforce data, employers, students, teachers and parents can connect effectively for success.
Heavy Metal Tours
The Chamber’s Business and Workforce Development Committee coordinates tours for the Waupaca High School Sophomore Class to Waupaca area manufacturers.
The businesses talk about what they do, what positions they offer, salary ranges and benefits and education needed. The students have the opportunity to tour the business and learn about the processes and equipment that is used. Additionally, the students get an understanding of all the types of careers that someone can go into in manufacturing that would include science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
This is also a great opportunity for the students to learn about what manufacturing means to our local economy.
Health Career Tours
The Chamber’s Business and Workforce Development Committee coordinates Health Career Tours for the Waupaca High School Sophomore Class to Waupaca area health care providers.
The students have the opportunity to talk with health care providers about what they do, what education is needed for their career and salary ranges in their field.
This is also a great opportunity for the students to learn about what health care is in our community and how it effects the people that live here.
The Pitch
The Pitch is presented by the Waupaca Area Chamber of Commerce.
Students are divided up to form businesses. Students take over old, outdated companies and rebrand their company, complete with new product, logo and tagline. The program shows students the challenges businesses face when making everyday decisions in areas such as finance, marketing and communications.
The purpose of The Pitch is to educate the future workforce about business and the state of Wisconsin and its products. They learn the importance of matching company communications and marketing decision to product category and company image. The finance department analyzes data dealing with the cost of doing business and communicates with other departments. Every student is involved in developing their product and the presentation to the whole group at the end of the day.
Hiring Expo: Connecting Students with Employers for Jobs
The Waupaca Area Chamber coordinates a Hiring Expo at the Waupaca High School for local businesses to participate in. The Hiring Expo is only open to students from the Waupaca High School and other area high schools. Any area business can attend as long as they have openings for students of all levels of employment – full time, part- time and seasonal openings. The event happens in early spring.
New Staff Welcome
New staff that are new to the Waupaca School District are invited on a tour of the community and schools within the district aboard a school bus. The bus stops at each school for a short narrated tour and a drive by narrated tour of the community in between schools. The morning concludes with a lunch at a local restaurant.
Sponsors of the event are invited along on the tour and have an opportunity at lunch to talk about their business and how they can help the teachers in their classrooms and personal life.
“Bev and I want to give a huge thank you to Terri and Kathy for planning this most incredibly welcoming event. We were really happy to be part of it and not only welcome and get to know the new teachers, but to be part of the building of relationship between the city and the school. We think you all did a wonderful and top notch job with the planning of the event, down to every detail. Thank you so much!” – Marci and Bev, WCAB